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Bellamy, H., "Looking Back- ward," ii. 248, 256-257.

Benson, R.H., ii. 351.

Benson, W.A.S., ii. 207, 209, 339.

Beowulf, i. 204 ; ii. 298.

Bergthorsknoll, i. 260.

Besant, Mrs., ii. 220.

Bestiary of the 12th century, ii. 339.

Bibury, i. 240.

Birchall, Rev. O., ii. 176.

Birds, Morris's love for, i. 119.

Birmingham, stained-glass window, ii. 219; lecture at, ii. 284.

Bjarg, i. 266.

"Blanche," a poem, i. 60.

Blatchford, R., ii. 307.

Bliss, W.H., i. 27, 302.

Blockley, ii. 34.

Blore, E., ii. 291.

Blunt, Wilfrid, ii. 214, 289, 34i.

Blythborough, ii. 331.

Boccaccio, "De Claris Mulier- ibus," 1473, i. 199.

Bock, Canon, collection of tex- tile fabrics, ii. 94.

Bodley, G.F., i. 151

Borrow, G., i. 226.

Botticelli, ii. 87.

Bowden, W., ii. 265.

Bowen, Lord, i. 125, 131, 331.

Box Hill, ii. 168.

Boyce, G.P., ii. 14.

Bradford, Wilts, ii. 233.

Bright, Rev. Dr., ii. 125.

Brighton, ii. 71.

Broadbent, Sir W., ii. 339, 346.

Broadway, i. 350.

Broadwell, i. 240.

Brown, F.M., "The Last of England," i. 105 ; declines to paint at the Oxford Union, 122 ; suggests the Firm, 149 ; mentioned, i. 165, 180 ; ii. 131.

Browning, E.B., influence of, i. 60.

Browning, R., "Bishop Blou- gram" discussed, i. 105.

Brunnar, i. 273.

Buckler, John, ii. 301.

Burden, Miss E., i. 158.

Burden, Robert, i. 140.

Burford, i. 24O, 350.

Burne-Jones, E., first acquaint- ance with Morris, i. 36 ; reads with him, 39 ; his drawings as a schoolboy, 41 ; recognition of Morris as a poet, 53 ; idea of a Brother- hood, 64 ; journey to France, 74 ; decides to be a painter, 80 ; first meets Rossetti, 103 ; has rooms with Morris, no; his painting on a settle, 117 ; paints at the Oxford Union, 121-123 ; illness at Red Lion Square, 139 ; de- signs for windows at Scar- borough and Brighton, 151; paintings at Red House, Upton, 163 ; moves to the Grange, 198 ; visits Italy with Morris, 302 ; retires from the Firm, 317 ; writes to Morris on Socialist agita- tion, ii. 163 ; Morris's esti- mate of, 354 ; designs for "The Golden Legend," 294 ; mentioned, i. 42, 44, 48, 50, 53, 63, 64, 73, 82, 84, 90, 91, 105, 107, 113, 114, 117, 125, 126, 128, 131, 132, 140, 153, 157, 162, 164, ig2, 196, 200. 286, 313, 317, 329, 374; ii. 6, 107, 213, 335, 338, 341, 343, 344, 346 , 350, 352.