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Burne-Jones, Lady, i. 285, 308, 334; ii. 71, 72, 80, 108, 116, ng, 157, 324, 333, 336, 340, 348, 351.

Burne-Jones, Miss Margaret, ii. 218.

Burslem, lecture at, ii. 21.

Burt, T., i. 360.

Butler, S., "Erewhon," ii. 96.

Cambridge, Morris's opinion of, i. 71.

Campfield, Geo., i. 153, 384 ; ii. 45.

Carlisle, Countess of, letter to, i. 314.

Carlisle, Earl of, carpet made for, ii. 48 ; decoration of house at Kensington, ii. 56–60, 74.

Carlyle, T., i. 226, 355–356 ; ii. 30, 82.

Carpenter, E., ii. 136, 151.

Carpet-looms at Hammer- smith, i. 385.

Carpets, manufacture of, ii. 4.

Carruthers, J., ii. 187, 346.

Carshalton, ii. 78.

"Catherine," a poem, ii. 271.

Catterson-Smith, R., ii. 346, 348.

Chamberlain, J., ii. 139.

Champion, H.H., ii. 93.

Charleville, Countess of, i. 368.

Chartres, i. 74.

Chaucer, influence on Morris, i. 63, 183, 203-204 ; personal resemblance with Morris, 220 ; Works, Kelmscott Press edition, ii. 293 foll.

Cherry-Hinton, i. 363.

Chintz for bookbinding, ii. 239.

Chintzes, ii. 38, 60.

Chiselhurst, ii. 258.

Chiswick Club Hall, ii. 190.

Chiswick Horticultural Gar- dens, ii. 240.

Christmas Carol, i. 101.

Cirencester, ii. 20.

Clarke, C. Cowden, i. 206.

Classical art and literature, ii. 181.

Cleveland Hall meeting, ii. 184.

Clouds, burning of, ii. 227.

Cobbett, W., i. 226.

Cobden-Sanderson, T. J., ii. 207, 210, 238.

Cockerell, Douglas, ii. 342.

Cockerell, S. C, Secretary to the Kelmscott Press, ii. 296, 339, 346, 348, 350.

Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice, ii. 26.

Collins, C.A., picture of "A Good Harvest," i. 72.

Colour, Morris's skill in use of, i. 321.

Coombe, T., his Pre-Raphaelite pictures, i. 73.

"Commonweal," ii. 147, 216–217.

Congreve, R., i. 32.

Cookham Lock, ii. 12.

Coronio, Mrs., letters to, i. 299, 335.

Cracroft, Bernard, i. 94.

Crane, W., ii. 50, 106–107, 206, 213, 237.

Crayford, ii. 35–36.

Critics and criticism, Morris's opinion of, i. 138.

Dave, Victor, ii. 184.

Dearie, G.H., ii. 50.

"Defence of Guenevere," pub- lication of, i. 133-139; re- printed, 330.