Page:The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets.djvu/157

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Known Authors. S

Thomas Stanley, Eſq;

A Learned Gentleman of Cumberloe-Green, in Hertfordſhire, who in the time of King Charles the Firſt, writ the Hiſtory of the Philoſophers, and in that a Play of Ariſtophanes, called,

The Clouds, a Comedy, fol. 1687. Tranſlated from Ariſtophanes, printed with his Hiſtory of Philoſophy, Re-printed about Ten Years ſince. He tranſlated Æſchylus’s Tragedies into Latin; also Anacreon and Moſchus, from the Greek. He has publiſh’d likewiſe divers Tranſlations from Latin, Spaniſh, and Italian; beſides his Poems in Engliſh, 8 vo. and two ſmall Romances or Novels, 8 vo.

Sir Robert Stapleton.

A Learned Author who was Gentleman Uſher of the Privy Chamber to King Charles the Second; and is, I ſuppoſe, ſtill living. He writ Two Plays:

Hero and Leander, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1669. dedicated to her Grace, the Dutcheſs of Monmouth. Plot from Ovid’s Epiſtles, and Muſæus’s Erotopagnion, Greek, and Latin.

The Slighted Maid, a Comedy, 4 to. 1663. dedicated to his Grace, the Duke of Monmouth. Plot from Mart. Epigr. 4. &c.

John Stephens.

THis Author, who liv’d in the Reign of King James the firſt, writ one very long Play, call’d,

Cynthia’s Revenge, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1613. Plot from Lucan’s Pharſalia, and Ovid’s Metamorphoſis, lib. 13.

William Strode.

POet and Divine in the Reign of King Charles the Frſt; he was born in Devonſhire, entred at Nineteen, and admitted Student of Chriſt-Church, Oxon; having taken moſt of his Degrees, was choſe Univerſity-Orator, and after that commenc’d Doctor, and was made a Cannon by the King. He died March 11. 1644, and was buried at Chriſt-Church afore-ſaid.

The Floating Iſland, a Comedy, 4 to. 1655. acted by the Students of Chriſt-Church, before his Majeſty, at Oxon. 1639. The Airs and Songs were set by Mr. Henry Lawes. The Author had tranſcri-
