Page:The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets.djvu/158

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Known Authors. S

bed and dedicated the Play to his honoured Patron, Sir John Helle, but it was not printed till ſome Years after his Death. This Play is full of Morality. The Author publiſh’d three Sermons besides the Play.

J. Studley.

ANother Tranſlator of Seneca’s Tragedies, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, of which he Engliſh’d Four: viz.

Agamemnon, a Tragedy, 4 to. Our Author has added a whole Scene in the Fifth Act.

Hippolitus, a Tragedy, 4 to. This is a very regular Play, as to Time, Place, and Action.

Hercules Oetæus, a Tragedy, 4 to. A Reſemblance of Sophocles’s Trachiniai.

Medea, a Tragedy, 4 to. In this Seneca imitates Euripides, but at too great a diſtance, and is alſo regular, as moſt of his Tragedies are. This Tranſlator has altered the Chorus of the First Act.

Sir John Suckling.

Was born at Witham, in Middleſex, 1631. in the beginning of the Eleventh Month; he ſpoke Latin at Five Years old, and writ it at Nine. He was Comptroller to King Charles the Firſt. An excellent Muſician and Poet: made a Campaign with Guſtavus, and was in Five Sieges, Three Battles, &c. he was at the Expence of 12000 l. to raise a Troop for the King. He writ Four Plays, viz.

Aglaura, a Tragi-Comedy, fol. and 8 vo. preſented at the private Houſe in Black-Fryars. The Author has ſo alter’d the laſt Act, that ’tis at the Pleaſure of the Actors to make it a Tragedy or Tragi-Comedy.

Brenoralt; or, The Diſcontented Colonel; a Tragedy, 8 vo. preſented by his Majeſty’s Servants, / at the private Houſe in Black-Fryars.

The Goblins, a Tragi-Comedy, 8 vo. preſented by his Majeſty’s Servants at the private Houſe in Black-Fyars.

The Sad One, a Tragedy, 8 vo. This Play Sir John never finiſh’d.

Theſe Plays, with his other Works, are printed together, 8 vo. the laſt Edition printed 1676. If you would ſee a further Character of this Author, ſee Lloyd’s Memoirs, fol. pag. 159.
