Page:The London Guide and Stranger's Safeguard.djvu/14

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Blow-up, an exposure.

Bolt, to start off.

Bone, to run away with.

Bowled out, discovered.

Bon Ton, high life women.

Botanical Excursion, Botany Bay, ag.

Canister, the head.

Carney, softening talk, common in Ireland.

C'est toute autre chose, French, quite a different sort of thing.

Cove, a man: thus, Mace Cove, Ding Cove, are 1. a cheating fellow; 2. a robbing fellow.

Covess, female cheat, bawdy-house keeper, old trull.

Cull, the dupe of prostitutes.

Dead Nail, one who cheats, preserving appearances.

Ding, to carry off hastily. See Cove.

Dive, to enter the pocket.

Dodge, to follow at a distance.

Down, to be knowing of a fact.

Drag, cart, or heavy coach.

Draw, an entrapping question: to pick a pocket.

Drops, glasses; gin generally.

Felo-de-se, Latin. Self murderer.

Flash, to be knowing to brag.

Flashman, preferred man.

Fib, to batter the head.

Fine-draw, to get at a secret.

Fence, or Hedge, receivers of stolen goods.

Flesh market, a resort of bad girls.

Foreign Parts, transportation generally.

Floor, to knock down.