Page:The London Guide and Stranger's Safeguard.djvu/15

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Galimaufry, odd mixture, revelry; from Gallimatia probably: see Amelia, B. 7. ch. 4.

Game, verb, to wink at or encourage theft.

Gob, the mouth.

Grab, to snatch up.

Gumption, knowingness.

Hum-Gumption, a pretending to the same.

Gusto, Italian, taste, feeling.

Had-Up, to be, police examination.

Harridan, worn out strumpet.

Havidge, collection of bad characters' dwellings.

Hempen Habeas, a halter.

Hygeia, Greek for health.

Item, hint or sly notice.

Kedge, to live upon precarious means.

Lag, transportation.

Lay, dishonest course of life.

Let In, at gambling, a betraying.

Massacree, vulgar for massacre, murder.

Mealy-Mouthed, backwardness of speech.

Mizzle (to) to get away slily.

Natives, silly people.

Nutty, amatory.

Outre Cela, French, beyond the mark or pitch' Pron. "outray slang."

Opaque, dull, stupid, senseless.

Open, (to) scold loudly.

Pads, street robbers.

Patter, examination before magistrates, &c.

Penchant, French, love, attachment.

Plant, cheatery, planned before hand.

Pound (to) to lay pounds in a wager.

Put up, to acquaint thieves what robbery to undertake.