Page:The London Guide and Stranger's Safeguard.djvu/16

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Reader, a pocket book.

Roost, bed.

Sanctum Sanctorum, Latin, inner or sacred place.

Scamps, ragged street thieves.

Seedy, shabby dress. No money.

Slang, covert language of thieves.

Snuffy, drunkish.

Snoozing Ken, a sleeping house.

Spar, fighting demonstrated.

Spree, fun.

Spill (to) to betray.

Stag (to) to look hard at; as slags or deers do on all intruders.

Sweet, kind, concilating.

Take In, a cheat.

Take it In, to swallow a lie.

Thing, (a) a robbery.

The Things, stolen articles.

Toggery, clothing.

Touting, eyeing the women, generally.

Town, London.

Upon the Town, street walkers, men or women.

Trade, (the) smuggling.

Transmogrify, to change.

Turned Up, ruined.

To have Turnips (turn-ups) a refusal or denial.

Twig (to) to eye one particularly.

Vestal, ironical for an incontinent person.

Verburn Sat. Latin, means—"a word to the wise is enough."

Whop, a blow or slap.