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The present work is the second of the series of Manuals of the Vertebrata of India. The greater portion of it has been printed for above a twelvemonth, but the publication was delayed in the hopes of getting some additional information to be inserted in the Appendix.

The author trusts that the present Manual will be found equally useful as that on the Birds of India, and he knows that many sportsmen and observers have been anxiously awaiting its appearance. He has been able to give considerable information on the habitat and geographical distribution of many of the animals, which was previously but little known. The portion of the work on the Micro-Mammalia of India is still confessedly very imperfect, and contributions of good specimens (in spirits) of Bats, Shrews, Rats, and Mice, from all parts of the country, but especially from the hills, sent either to the Museum at Calcutta, or to the British Museum, will be highly acceptable.