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general for guardianship of minors and mentally defective persons and shall supervise the activities ef the local departments of Social Welfare.

188. The guardians, as the legal representatives of their wards, shall protect all the personal and property rights of the said wards.

189. Trustees may be appointed either for the management of the property in general or for the execution of specific acts.

Note. Regulations prescribed for guardians shall also be applicable to trustees in-so-far as no special rules shall be prescribed for the latter.

Chapter II

The Institution and Termination of Guardianship
and Trusteeship

190. Guardianship shall be instituted to protect the interests of minors and persons mentally defective, and shall be administered either by the Department of Social Welfare or by a guardian specially appointed for such purpose.

191. Male persons not having attained the age of 18 or female persons under the age of 16 shall be deemed to be minors.

Note. Persons who have not attained full age may with their consent be declared to be of full age by a special decision of the respective Department of Social Welfare.