Page:The Marriage Laws of Soviet Russia (1921).pdf/73

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192. Every minor not in the care of his or her parents shall have a guardianship instituted over him or her.

193. Mentally defective persons shall have guardianship instituted over them after the fact of such deficiency is duly determined

Note. Regulations relating to the examination of mentally defective person are attached thereto.[1]

194. The Department of Social Welfare located in the place of residence of the persons subject to guardianship shall issue decrees instituting the said guardianship.

195. The Department of Social Welfare shall be informed in cases mentioned in Section 192 of the necessity to establish a guardianship by the officials and institutions within whose knowledge such information may come or by relatives of the persons subject to guardianship or by such persons themselves.

196. The Department of Social Welfare shall be informed of the necessity to institute a guardianship in cases mentioned in Section 193 by the Medical Department attached to the Provincial Soviet in the place of residence of the person found mentally defective.

197. The Department of Social Welfare may institute a guardianship on its authority in cases when it shall be informed of the necessity to institute such by means other than those mentioned in Sections 195–196.

198. In cases when it shall be established that

  1. See page 81 below.—Ed.