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an adult person, due to old age or any other infirmity or to inexperience, shall not be able to manage his affairs in an expedient manner or to protect his interests in any specific instance, such adult may petition for the institution of a guardianship over him.

199. On the institution of a guardianship an announcement thereof shall be made in the local newspapers designated for the publication of the same.

Note. The People's Commissariat of Justice shall publish for general information the list of mentally defective persons over whom guardianship has been instituted.

200. Within two weeks after the appearance of the announcement mentioned in Section 199, the interested parties shall have the right to present to the Department of Social Welfare located in their place of residence their objections to the decree for the institution of a guardianship.

201. Guardianship shall be terminated when the cause for its institution shall disappear.

202. Guardianship over minors shall terminate when they become of full age.

203. In cases mentioned in the Note to Section 191 the Department of Social Welfare, upon issuing an order declaring a person to be of full age, shall simultaneously define the date of his becoming of full age and shall publish the order in the local newspapers designated for the publication of the same.

204. The guardianship over mentally defective persons shall be terminated by a decision of the