Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/14

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Om !


Last maharnavami witnessed the presentation of the opening volume of this series amid the sweet rejoicings and solemn commemorations of the Master's Diamond Jubilee. And now to the wide circle of fellow-believers and admirers, friends and old pupils, this next return of the auspicious birthday renews the warmest greetings of the spirit with one more love-offering — a second wreath of fragrant flowers from an Eden-heart where spring still reigns, even as winter gathers fast upon the stately head,

Since the 'pentecost' of that memorable occasion, the twelvemonth just elapsed has known no greater bliss than in the unqualified testimony from different points of the compass, far and near, to the worth and value of the first instalment of The Message and Ministrations. It will more than suffice to reproduce here, as a peculiarly precious specimen, one such token of approba-