Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/15

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tion over the honoured name of the great living authority on Comparative Religion, the Principal Emeritus of Manchester College, Oxford, and one of the patriarchs of the Unitarian 'household' in our 'Father's western home.'

"11, Marston Ferry Road, "Oxford, " June 2nd.' 23.

"Dear Principal Ramakrishna Rao,

"I am sorry to have been so long in thanking you for the kind gift of your volume of the addresses of Mr. R. Venkata Ratnam. I have only recently returned from some weeks' absence from home, and have been very fully occupied with the preparation of some lectures for a School of Theology which I am concerned in organising. Your account of Mr. Ratnam's many activities is deeply interesting. The spirit of service pervades his whole life, and your record shows how one man's earnestness and power quickens others and calls forth the best in them for the welfare of their brethren. His noble address on Ram Mohan Roy I have read with the warmest sympathy, and his Sprayers testify to the warmth of his joy in communion with his Maker. The influence.' o