Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/368

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is the Divine Charmer! Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. The whole body is athrill with the touch of His holy presence. Heads bowed, hands folded, tongues fluent, ears enraptured, eyes ravished, minds aglow, hearts transported, souls enchanted, we are an adoring fraternity, a worshipping family of God.

And wherein lies the fulness, the totality, the quintessence of worship? Our revered Pradhanacharya, Maharshi Devendranath Tagore, has happily defined it for us in inspired words which a beloved one of mine reminded us of last night, ' Thasminpreethih thasya priyakarya sadhanancha thadupasana meva.' Not mere sedate love, but a rejoicing, revelling emotion of rapture and ecstasy for His own enchanting sake and the practice, again and again, during our whole lives, cf exercises and disciplines in and through acts dear unto Him, acts loved of Him, acts rendered as offerings to Him, the Best Beloved—these constitute upasana : sitting near Him, aye, in His lap! Thasminpreethih; Oh! the bless-