Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/369

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ing, the beatitude of loving Him — that is the ninth heaven beyond the eight paradises, as a Sufi has it. Thasminpreethih: let us prayerfully endeavour to realise it and treasure it in our hearts, this lovely morning. Loving Him, caressing Him, rejoicing in Him, going into ecstatic delight in adoration of Him—this is the pure, concentrated essence, the vital central truth, of worship—loving Him for His own sake; loving Him who is Loveable, loving Him who is Love itself.

Love begets love. We love Him; He loves us : that is the complete current of love. God needs us, draws us together closer and closer; and we feel welded together. I cannot give Him up; He will not give me up. Even the all-sufficing God needs me, feels a want without me. What am I? A destitute, pauper, orphan, absolute bankrupt, if I have Him not! My beloved One! Perish the thought, for ever perish the dread possibility, of being without Thee! I want Thee. I cannot live without Thee. Without Thee life becomes not