Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/81

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"Did everything seem pleasant between them then?"

"Why shouldn't it?"

"I asked you if it did?"

"I'd scorn to answer sech a question, ef I warn't under oath to answer what you axed. Yep!"

"When did you see him next?"

"Lyin' a dead corpse on the doorstep at ten minutes arter six the next mornin'!"

"You are certain you did not see him from the time he returned from the orchard, until you saw him dead?"

"Didn't I swear it?"

"I asked you if you are certain?"

"Yep!" indignantly.

"Did you eat your supper before or after your mistress ate hers?"

"What may ye mean by mistress?"

"I mean, did you eat your supper before or after Mrs. Parlin ate hers?"


She testified that she and Jonathan ate together; that she went to her room at nine o'clock, after