Page:The Millbank Case - 1905 - Eldridge.djvu/82

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shutting up the house "all but the front part," and that she went at once to bed.

"Did you at any time during the night hear a pistol or gun shot or any sound resembling one?"

"I did not."

"Are you a sound sleeper?"

"After I git to sleep, ye might carry me off an' I'd never know it till mornin'."

"Then you think a pistol might have been fired at the south door of the house in the middle of the night without your hearing it, although that door was open?"

"I think that one was."

"But do you believe, aside from what you think regarding what happened that night, that a pistol so fired would wake you?"

"No, nor a cannon, ef 'twan't too big."

Jonathan Oldbeg testified practically to what he had told Trafford, the detective, though with some amplification of details. On the question of the absolute recognition of the shadow on the window shades as that of Mr. Wing, he grew very positive, affirming that he knew the stoop of the shoulders