Page:The Mirror of Alchimy (1597, mirrorofalchimy00baco).djvu/12

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The Myrrour of Alchimy.


Of the naturall principles, and procreation
of Minerals.

SEcondly I will perfectly declare the naturall principles & procreations of Minerals: where firſt it is to be noted, that the naturall principles in the mynes, are Argent-uiue, and Sulphur. All mettals and minerals, whereof there be ſundrie and diuers kinds, are begotten of theſe two: but I muſt tel you, that nature alwaies intendeth and ſtriueth to the perfection of Gold: but many accidents comming between, change the mettalls, as it is euidently to be ſeene in diuers of Philoſophers bookes. For according to the puritie and impuritie of the two aforeſaide principes, Argent-uiue, and Sulphur, pure, and impure mettals are ingēdred: to wit, Gold, Siluer, Steele, Leade, Copper, and Iron: of whoſe nature, that is to ſay puritie, and impuritie, or vncleane ſuperfluitie and defect, giue eare to that which followeth.

Of the nature of Golde.

GOld is a perfect body, engendred of Argent-uiue pure, fixed, cleare, red, and of Sulphur cleane, fixed, red, not burning, and it wanteth nothing.

Of the nature of Siluer.

SIluer is a body, cleane, pure, and almoſt perfect, begotten of Argent-uiue, pure, almoſt
