Page:The Mirror of Alchimy (1597, mirrorofalchimy00baco).djvu/13

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The Myrrour of Alchimy.

fixed, cleare, and white, & of ſuch a like Sulphur: It wanteth nothing, ſaue a little fixation, colour, and weight.

Of the nature of Steele.

STeele is a body cleane, imperfect, engendred of Argent-uiue pure, fixed & not fixed cleare, white outwardly, but red inwardly, and of the like Sulphur. It wanted onely decoction or digeſtion.

Of the nature of Leade.

LEade is an vncleane and imperfect bodie, engendred of Argent-uiue impure, not fixed, earthy, droſsie, ſomewhat white outwardly, and red inwardly, and of ſuch a Sulphur in part burning. It wanteth puritie, fixation, colour, and fiering

Of the nature of Copper.

COpper is an vncleane and imperfect bodie, engendred of Argent-uiue, impure, not fixed, earthy, burning, red not cleare, and of the like Sulphur. It wanteth purity, fixation, and weight: and hath too much of an impure colour, and earthineſſe not burning.

Of the nature of Iron.

IRon is an vnclean and imperfect body, engendred of Argent-uiue impure, too much fixed, earthy, burning, white and red not cleare, and of the like Sulphur: It wanteth fuſion, puritie, and
