Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/46

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When we descended into the dungeon I observed Peter trembled, and threw a melancholy glance on the prisoner; he was obliged, however, to help me in fastening the chain in a secure manner round the Count's legs and arms: I then unbound him.

"Use me as you please (said he) but spare the unfortunate Eugenia, and an innocent child."—His voice faltered.

"I mean not to divide you (I replied.)—You shall have your family party here to share your felicity." Ordering Peter to accompany me, I went back to the women, and obliged him to drag Agnes to the same vault. Eugenia made not the least resistance, when told she was to have her child and the Count with her.

"Conduct me where you will (said she) with the dear objects of my heart, and I shall not complain:" But when she entered the dismal abode, and saw him chained, she sent forth a piercing shriek, and then descended to implore mercy and supplicate forgiveness. I felt a sensation of pity at the moment, but