Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/47

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I had gone too far to recede. Agnes and the child uttered loud and dismal cries; Peter's tears ran down his cheeks, but I shut my ears and my eyes against being moved by their distress. We carried Eugenia into the inner dungeon, and chained her in a similar manner with the Count. Having thus secured them, I demanded of the faithless woman by what means she had escaped from me, who assisted her, and where she had been concealed?

"Those are particulars you shall never know (said she;) I have nothing now to fear, for death would be a relief; your savage nature may be gratified by my miseries, but never shall you learn from me the names of those who were my friends and deliverers."

"It is well (cried I, enraged at her perverseness) here is one however," seizing Agnes, "who has been an accomplice, and whom I will oblige to speak: Say, wretch, where didst thou hide that infamous perjured woman? Who were thy assistants? Instantly