Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 2).djvu/48

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confess the whole, or certain death attends thee."

"I had no assistants (answered she, firmly) nor do I fear to die; be assured, my Lord, that whilst I am confined in this horrid place, whilst those unfortunate ———." I interrupted her, with my poignard at her breast, and at her peril bid her conceal any thing from me.

"I will follow the example of my beloved mistress (said she;) from me you will learn nothing."

"Die then, audacious wretch," I exclaimed, and plunged the poignard into her breast!

"Hold! O hold! (cried Eugenia) and I will tell you all:" But seeing the woman fall expiring on the ground:—"Inhuman monster! (added she) to murder the innocent and helpless, well dost thou justify the aversion my soul conceived against thee, stern, cruel barbarian! O, my father! my dear father! thy peace and happiness sacrificed to gratitude, and thy daughter a miserable victim to an unjust prejudice! Fatal, fatal prepos-