Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/221

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to find one from the steward of the Castle of Danhaet, with information, that "two days after his departure, the hermit had called there for his customary allowance, and informed him, that he had been alarmed the preceding day by seeing some men come out of one of the caves in the rock; he was not discovered himself, but he supposed they were some proscribed persons, or banditti.

"This intelligence," continued the steward, "I instantly conveyed to the Magistrates, who sent a party of men that same night to the rocks, and they remained concealed in the hermit's cave to make their observations.

"About midnight a boat was seen advancing to the Beach; two men landed, and were presently out of sight, but in less than half an hour returned with four others, all well loaded. As they proceeded towards the boat, the guards silently issued from the cave, and were upon them before they were discerned. They threw down their booty, and attempted to fly; one fired a pistol; the fire