Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/222

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was returned; in the same moment two fell, and they were surrounded, taken, and conveyed to Lintz.

"The two wounded were not in much danger. One of them, who was most hurt, proved to be the villain, who had imposed upon Ferdinand.

"Several robberies and frauds were proved against them, and they had property to a great amount. Amongst the rest, a casket of jewels, which they had defrauded a Lady of, and seduced her from Vienna, where they oftentimes went as Gentlemen, to obtain a knowledge of what travellers were going on the road.

"They had formerly dwelt in the caves under the hills; but hearing the foolish story that the pavilion was haunted; they availed themselves of it, to get possession there, and securing all the doors and windows so as to prevent a surprise, fixing a bell at the little area door, that, should any one attempt it, the persons below by groans might frighten,