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240 PLIKy's IfATTJRAL HISTOET. [Book III. nates the Spoletini^, the Suasini^, the Sestinates'*, the Suillates^, the Tadinates^ the Trebiates^, the Tiificani^, the Tifernates^ surnamed Tiberini, and the others called Metau- renses, the Yesinicates, the Urbinates, both those surnamed Metaiirenses^" and the others called Hortenses, the Vetto- nenses", the Vindinates, and the Viventani. In this district there exist no longer the Eeliginates who possessed Clu- siolum above Interamna, and the Sarranates, with their towns of Acerrse^'^, surnamed Yafrise, and Turocelum, also called Yettiolum ; as also the Solinates, the Curiates, the Fallienates, and the Apiennates. The Arienates also have disappeared with the town of Crinovolum, as well as the Usidicani, the Plangenses, the Paesinates, and the Cselestini. ^ The people of Sarsina, an important town of Umbria, famous as being the bii-th-place of the comic poet Plautus. It is now called Sas- sina, on the Savio. 2 The people of Spoletvim, now Spoleto. It was a city of Umbria on the Via Flammia, colonized by the Romans B.C. 242. In the later days of the Emph-e it was taken by Totilas, and its walls destroyed. They were however restored by Narses. ' The people of Suasa ; the remains of which, according to D' AnviUe and Mannert, are those seen to the east of the town of San Lorenzo at a place called Castel Leone. '

  • The monastery of Sestino is supposed to stand on the site of Sesti-

num, then- town, at the source of the river Pesaro. 5 The site of then- town is denoted by the modern Sigello ui the Marches of Ancona. ^ Their town is supposed to have been also situate within the present Marches of Ancona, where they jom the Duchy of Spoleto. 7 Their town was Trebia. The modem Trevi stands on its site. 8 The people of Tuficum, which Holsten thinks was situate between MateKca and Fabrianmn, on the river called the Cesena. 9 The site of Tifernum Tibermum is occupied by the present Citta di CasteUo, and that of Tifernum Metaurense, or " on the Metaurus," by Sant .Angelo m Vado in the Duchy of Urbino. The first-named place was iu the vicmity of the estates of the Younger Phny. ^" D'AnviUe and Mannert are of opinion that Urbania on the Metau- rus, two leagues south-east of Urbino, marks the site of their town. The Hortenses probably dwelt on the site of the present Urbino. "The site of then- town was probably the present Bettona. The site of the towns of the peoples next mentioned is unknown. ^2 Nothing is known of its position. There were cities in Campama and Cisalpme Gaul also caUed Acerrse. The first has been mentioned mider the Fu-st Region. Of the other places and peoples mentioned in this Chapter no particulars seem to have come down to us.