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Cliap. 6.] ACCOUIfT or COTJNTETES, ETC. 281: simn' and Hyrmine once stood, the Promontoiy of Araxus% the Bav of C vllene, and the Promontory of Chelonates, at hve miles' distance from CyUenel There is also the fortress of Phlius^ ; the district aronnd which was called by liomer Ar£ethyrea% and, after his time, Asopis. The territory of the Eleans then begins, who were formerly called Epei, with the city of Elis^ in the niterior, and, at a distance of twelve miles from Phlius, being also in the m- terior, the temple of Olympian Jupiter, which by the uni- versal celebrity of its games, gives to Greece its mode ot reckonino-^ Here too once stood the town of Plsa^ the river Alpheus flowing past it. On the coast there is the Promon- tory of Ichthys^ The river Alpheus is navigable six miles nearly as far as the to^vns of Anion ^« and Leprion. We next come'to the Promontory of Platanodes^'. All these localities lie to the west. 1 Pouqiievillc thinks that it was situate on the rivernow caUed the Yerga. Leake supposes that the to^vn of Hyrmine stood o^ tl^^ ^^^^^ «* the present Kastro Tomeseon the peninsula of Khlemutzi ; b-tBoWa^ and Curtius place it further north, at the modem harbour of ^unupeli, where there are some ancient ruins. 2 Now Capo Papa. , . , p, 3 The locality of CyUene is doubtfid. Most ^Titers placeit at Gla- rentza but Po/quevill^e suggests Andravida or Andvav.Ua, and Mannert places it near Clarenza. Chelmates or Chelonatas J^s probably the naine originally of the whole peninsula of Khlemutzi, but the pomt here mentioned wa^ most probably the modern Cape lomese 4 It lay in the interior, soutli of Sicyonia, and north of Argos. ir-QU nueville found its rmns on the banks of the Asopus. ^ 'Strabo savs that this was the name of the most ancient town of Phhasia, and that the inhabitants afteinvards '^f't^'YJZl^^l:^ of 6 Some smaU ruins of it arc to be seen at the foot of the hill ot ^ftSiV::;«^3!tckoned according ^ tion oi- the Olympic games : they were estabhshed in the year B.C. / /O, and were celebrated cveiT fom-th year. 8 It was destroyed in the year' B.C. 572 by the E nms. not a vestige of it bein.- left. The Alpheus retains the name ot Aliio. « Or "the Fish," from its peculiar shape. It is now called Ivatakolo. 10 Probably situate in the yalley betwe.-n Ehs and Messema, whu-h was so called It is not elsewhere mentioned ; and its rums are thought to be those near the sea, on the right bank of the river C^pari^sus. Lepriou is again mentioned in c. x. i. 4 • x- ; i.; " Or Platamodos. Supposed to be the present Aja Jvyi laki.