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300 PLINT's NATUHAL HISTOET. [Book lY. and at the extreme bend of the Gridf, Thessalonica a free city; (from this place to Dyrrhachium it is 245 miles",) and then Thermse^. Upon the Grulf"* of Thermae are the towns of Dicsea, Pydna^, Derra, Scione^, the Promontory of Canastreeum", and the towns of Pallene^ and Phlegra. In this region also are the mountains Hypsizorus, Epitus, Halcyone, and Leoomne ; the towns of Nyssos^, Phryxelon, Mendae, and what was formerly Potidsea^ on the isthmus of Pallene, but now the Colony of Cassandria; Anthemus'ophyxus^^,and the Gulf of Mecyberna^^ ; the towns of Miscella, Ampelos^'*, Torone^^j Singos^^, and the canal, a mile and a half in length by means of which Xerxes, king of the Persians, cut off Mount Athos^ from the main land. This mountain projects from 1 Now Saloniki. Its original name was Thermae, but it was first made an important city by Cassander, B.C. 315, who gave it its new name in honour of his wile, the sister of Alexander the Great : St. Paul visited it about A.D. 53, and two years after addi'essed from Corinth two Epistles to liis converts in the city. 2 Polybius says, in Strabo, B. vii., 267 miles. 3 As ah'eady mentioned. Thermae became merged in Thessalonica, wher refounded by Cassander under that name. ■* Now the Gulf of Saloniki ^ This is probably an error. Pydna, ah'eady mentioned, lay far inland in the district of Pieria. On the peninsula of Pallene. Its male inliabitants were put to deatl: by the Athenians in the Peloponnesian war. 7 Now Capo Paliuri, the extreme point of the Isthmus of Pallene ^ The most westerly of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice. Pldegra is generally understood to have been its former name. ^ Perhaps the same as Nyssa, between the rivers Nestus or Mestus, anc Strymon. ^^ Its ruins are now called Pinaka. It was a colony of the Corinthians but refounded by Cassander, King PlaiUp havuig previously destroyed th( city. _ _ i ^1 South-east of Thessalonica, and north of Chalcidice. It was giver; by King Pliihp to the Olyntliians. ^^ jv^ear Momt Athos. i ^2 Now Mohvo, at the head of the Toronaic Gulf, part of which thenct took its name. ^* The name of a promontory at the extremity of the peninsula of Si| thonia, in Chalcidice. It seems to correspond with the modern Capi Kartah. ^5 In the district of Chalcidice, on the S.W. of the peninsula Sithonia.

  • ^ On the east of the peninsula of Sithonia. It gave its name to th

Sinus Singiticus or Singitic Gulf. ^7 Now Monte Santo, at the end of. the long peninsula running ou from Chalcidice, C