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[Book IV.

lovaci[1], the Hassi[2], and, more in the interior, the Catoslugi[3], the Atrebates[4], the Nervii[5], a free people, the Veromandui[6], the Suæuconi[7], the Suessiones[8], a free people, the Ulmanetes[9], a free people, the Tungri[10], the Sunuci[11] the Frisiabones[12], the Betasi[13], the Leuci[14], a free people, the Treveri[15], who were

    the Somme, with places on the site of Amiens (derived from their name) and Abbeville for then- chief towns.

  1. They dwelt in the modern department of the Oise, with Beauvais (which still retains their name) for their chief town.
  2. D'Anville is of opinion that the place called Haiz or Hez in the diocese of Beauvais, received its name from this people, of whom nothing else is known. The name is omitted in several of the editions.
  3. D'Anville is of opinion that thefr chief town was situate at the modern Orchies, at the passage of the river Serre, not far from Vervins in the department of the Aisne.
  4. According to Ptolemy their chief town would be on the site of the modern Orchies in the department du Nord, but Cæsar makes it to be Nemetacum, the modem Arras, the capital of the department of the Pas de Calais.
  5. According to Ansart their chief town was Bavai, in the department du Nord. They are called "Liberi," or free, because they were left at liberty to enjoy their own laws and institutions.
  6. Their capital was Augusta Veromanduorum, and it has been suggested that the place called Vermand, in the department de l'Aisne, denotes its site ; but according to Bellay and D'Anville the city of St. Quentin, which was formerly called Aouste, marks the spot.
  7. Nothing whatever is known of them, and it is suggested by the commentators that this is a corrupted form of the name of the Suessiones, which follows.
  8. They gave name to Soissons in the southern part of the department de l'Aisue.
  9. It has been suggested that these are the same as the Silvanectes, the inhabitants of Senhs in the department de l'Oise.
  10. The people of Tongres, in the provinces of Namur, Liège, and Limbourg.
  11. They are supposed to have dwelt ia the eastern part of the province of Lunbourg.
  12. They probably dwelt between the Sunuci and the Betasi.
  13. They are supposed to have dwelt in the western part of the province of Limbourg, on the confines of that province and South Brabant, in the vicinity probably of the place which still bears the name of Beetz, upon the river Gette, between Leau and Haclen, seven miles to the east of Louvain.
  14. According to Ptolemy the Leuci dwelt on the sites of Toul in the department of the Meurthe, and of Nais or Nays in that of the Meuse.
  15. From them Trèor Trier, in the Grand Duchy of the Lower Rhine, takes its name.