Page:The Natural History of Pliny.djvu/420

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386 PLINT's TfATUEAL HISTORY. [Book V. colony founded under Augustus by the second legion, and Gunuguni another colony foimded by the same emperor, a praetorian cohort being established there ; the Promon- tory of Apollo^, and a most celebrated city, now called Csesarea^, but formerly known by the name of lol; this place was the residence of King Juba, and received the rights of a colony from the now deified Emperor Claudius. Oppidum Novum^ is the next place ; a colony of veterans was established here by command of the same emperor. Next to it is Tipasa^, which has received Latin rights, as also Icasium", which has been presented by the Emperor Vespasianus with similar rights ; Eusconise^, a colony founded by Augustus ; E-usucurium^, honoured by Clau- dius with the rights of Eoman citizens ; Euzacus^, a colony founded by Augustus ; Salde^", another colony founded by the same emperor ; Igilgili", another ; and the toAvn of 1 Ptolemy and Antoninus place this colony to the east of the Pro- montory of Apollo, and not the west as Phny does. 2 The present Cape Mestagan. 3 According to Dupinet and Mannert, the modem Tenez occupies its site, Zershell according to Hardoiiin and Shaw, Vacur according to D'AnviUe and Ansart, and Algiers according to others. It is suggested by Marcus that the name lol is derived from the Arabic verb galla, " to be noble" or " famous." There is no doubt that the magnificent ruins at Zershell are those of lol, and that its name is an abbreviation of Csesarea lol. * Or New Town. ^ Scylax calls it Thapsus ; Ammianus MarceUinus, Tiposa. According to Mannert it was situate in the vicinity of the modern Damas. 6 Or Icosium. It has been identified by inscriptions discovered - by the French as standing on the same site as the modern Algiers. D' Anville, Mannert and others identify it with SchercheU or Zershell, thus placing it too far west. Mannert was evidently misled by an error in the Anto- nine Itinerary, whereby aU the places along this coast are, for a con- siderable distance, thrown too far to the west ; the researches however which followed the French conquest of the country have revealed inscrip- tions which completely set the question at rest. 7 According to Mannert, this was situate on the modern Cape Arbatel. Marcus thinks that the Hebrew ros, or Arab ras, "a rock," enters into tiie composition of the word. 8 Now Hur according to D' Anville, Colcah according to Mannert. ' The modern Acor, according to Marcus. ^" The modern Pedeles or Delys, according to Ortellius and Mannert, Tedles according to D' Anville. " The modem Jigeh or Gigeri. It was probably in ancient times the emporium of the surrounding country.