Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/47

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of the East and West, &c. I am persuaded that a work of this kind would be well received, extensively read, and be productive of much general good.

So numerous are the published journals now-a-days of travellers who have visited Constantinople, that I must refer the reader to them for a full account of the modern Byzantium. Its unrivalled situation and genial atmosphere, its sea-river lined with sumptuous palaces and sylvan valleys, its Golden Horn traversed by many a light caïque, its magnificent mosques, and extensive cemeteries, over which forests of cypress throw a perpetual shade, its gaudy and rich bazaars, crowded with merchants and spectators from every eastern clime, all these deserve a detailed description; but this task I must leave to others and betake me to my onward journey.