Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 03.djvu/522

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BREMEN. 460 BREMER. The growth of Bremen's own marine may be rie by Charlemagne in 788. In 845 the see of Been from the following figures: Hamburg was united to that of Bremen, and the Tear Vessels Tonnage letter became the wipital of the new archiepisco- jgj, 240 79 000 1^'^' diocese. In Obo Bremen was made a market- 18(?I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.".277l."!......"!.".."..!"!.".."!!!ia4!ouo t«wn. and was placed under the jurisdiction of 1872 252 17i.uoo tile archbishop; but by the Thirteenth Century Jglj ;;]405!;;!;!!;!;!"!!!!!!;!!;!!!!!!!!!!40(i;ooo ^^ "'^ succeeded in acquiring virtual indej^end- 1899."."!!!;.".";!!!.'!;!!!!;."!!!!!!!!!!!!!52g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!!!"!"!!!!!!!!!!61;)!uoo ence in secular affairs, it prospered wonderful- 1900 571 583,000 ]y; it extended its trade to Kiigland and 8candi- The exports of Bremen consist of woolen goods, "•; f°;"«l«l " "'""J;","^ ^"^om<^s and ruled linens, glass, rags, wool, hemp, hides, oilcake, over both banks of the W eser to the sea. It wooden toys etc. Large quantities of tobacco .l^^ned the Uanseatie league in 12,6, but was are reexported. With the exception of Hamburg, ^.^^P^^^, readmit ed, and expelled again, for sel- no Continental port ships so many emigrants **^°<'f • . Th*-, >" i^bitan s beca.iie fervent Prot- to the United States as Bremen. Bremen has estants jonied the Sma kald.c League in 1532, manufactures of woolens and cottons, cigars, ""^"1 lo4i decisively defeated an Imperial army pa,«>r, and starch, and extensive ship-building at Drakeiiburg In two wars ilbo4, 10(U,) Bre- vards, breweries, distilleries, and sugarretiner- >en won its autonomy from Sweden to whom the ies. It has steam communication with Kew secularized diocese had been eeded (to orm a York, Hull, Havana, the north coast of South ^'"f'-^' !" 1648; but it was not ti 1 1,41 that the America, etc., by vessels of the North German ^dependence of the city which had been made Lloyd Steamship Company. ? f[<^ V"lfJ■,'?.^^'™ '" ■*• '™" "e^iiowledged There is only one government for both the city ^V"-"-, I" ^^l" ^l^T'", "'* incorporated into the and State, viz. the municipal council composed ?'i'??'= ^"'P'!^, ]"' " '"ega-'ied its treedom in of two houses, similar to that of Hamburg (see '^l'^ ""f" '" ^^^^ •'"'f""' » '"ember of the Ger- Hamburg) . The Senate is composed of 16 mem- "^" Confederation. As a member of the German bers, 10 of whom must be la^Vers: the Lower ^-mP're, it remained outside ,.t the Zo//rrrr,« till House, the Biirgersclwft, of 150: The latter are l^'^^' -^ '°i'fJ 'evolution in 1304 made the elected by the citizens under an unequal suffrage, gove'-iime'it of the city par ly deimx-ratic: the The adininistration is carried on bv twelve de- 'l^"^ regime was conlirmed m 14.J3 and o34. partments, called ministries, each presided over l^ P'^,"* Constitution was adopted in 1854. bv a Senator Duchy of Bremen was ceded by Sweden to Bremen owns its gas-works, water-works, and aiiovei in 'IJ- ,. ,. , ,. electric plant, all of which are under the man- . Consult: Ocifcrnoje der Geschichfe iimlKunst agement of a single department, called the fle:;f'<™ £f"«c.Y«(?^ Bremen (3 yos., Bremen 'Deputation fiir Gas- und Wasserversorgung.' ]S'0) ■■ ^^foJ'.hrhnchfur Brcmische StaUshh The municipal management of all of these under- 'Breslau, 181)2) : D,e I rcw Hans'-stadt Bremen takings has proved to be a great benefit to the ^'"'l rmjiegcnd J Bremen. 1803) : . B.ppen, citizens, besides yielding an increasing annual f^cschwhte drr ktadt Bremen (Bremen. 1898). net income to the city treasury. The electric BREMER, bra'mer, Fbedrika (1801-65). A plant has been in operation since 1893 and has Swedish novelist, born near Abo, Finland. Her proved equally successful. father was an iron-founder, wealthy, and some- The street ears are in the hands of private what stern, her mother severe and impatient, the companies, paying the city one-fourth of all their child affectionate, passionate, and restless, mis- net income in excess of 5 per cent, on the capital understood and hindered in development. Her stock, in addition to a tax of 1 per cent, on the first writing was youthful poetry in French, pro- gross income and all ordinary taxes levied upon duced when she was eight years old. Nursery business establishments. With the exception of one dramas and a journal followed, with foreign line, which employs horses, the city lines have travel that left lier "conscious of being born been using electricity as a motive power since with powerful wings, but conscious of their be- 1893. " ing clipped." She turned to works of charity. The street-cleaning, the health department, and to increase her means for these, pub- and all that goes to make the city clean and lished anonymously a series of romances under healthful, are well administered, as may be seen the general title. Sketches of Every-Day Life from the following figures of death-rates in the (1828-48). The first of these was Axel and city and country districts, per thousand: 1894, Anmi (1828). A second volume. The II. Family city, Ki.TO; country, 22.33; 1898, city, 1().()9; (1829-30), was a sensational success, and sub- countiy, 21.70. sequent volumes won her an international public. The public schools are maintained and con- She passed two years (1849-.51) in America. Her trolled !)}• the city. In aildiliiin to the elemen- early novels excel in descri])tions of every-day tary schools, there are a higli school, a coinmei'- middle-class life. They have the charm of un- cial school, and a numlJei- of trade schools, affected simplicity and quiet humor. Noteworthy Among the charitable institutions of the city among them are: Axel and .Inna (1828); The there are three orphan asylums, two homes for President's Daughters (1834): Sina (1835); neglected children, several hospitals, etc. It is The Xeir/hbors (1837): The Home (1839). Later interesting to note that Bremen spends nearly novels disclose the reformer, advociiting philan- twice as much money on education as on police, thropy, religion, and espcci:illy the equal rights The populati(m of Bremen is increasing rajiidly: of women. Of these, Ilcrtha (18.")7) and Si/skon- in 1870, 81,000; in ISSO, 113.000; in 1890, 125.- lif are the best. Her verse is unimportant. Of 000; in IfiOO, 1(13,000. The population of the her books of travel. Homes in the Xew M'orld State in 1900 was 224,700. (1853) contains her impressions of .America. History. — Bremen, mentioned in 782 as a She died at .Vrsta December 31, 18fi5. .


missionary centre, was made the seat of a bishop- lish life of Miss Bremer, with unpublished writ-