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BREMEK. 461 BRENKENHOF. ings, appeared in 1868. There are good English translations of the earlier novels, by Mary Howitt. BREMERHAVEN", bru'nier-hji'fcn (Ger., port or liaven of lirenicn). A jxirl on the Weser, about ten miles from its mouth, founded by Bremen in 1827, on <jro>ind aciiuired from Han- over, and now a part of the Bremen State (Map: (Jermany, C 2). (See Brkiien.) The popula- tion of Bremerhaven, though small, is steadily inercasing: in 1870, 10,000; in 1880, 14,000; in 1890, 10,000; in 1900, 20,.300. BREND' AMOUR, braN'di'moor', Franz RouEKT (1831 — ). A German engiaver. He was born in Aix-la-Chapelle, and studied engraving in Cologne. In 1856 he founded a xylographic es- tablishment in Dusseldorf wliioh became one of the most important institutions of its kind in Germany, and which was followed by similar es- tablishments in Berlin, Brunswick, Leipzig, and Stuttgart. Landscapes, the chase, and still life are the favorite subjects of Brend'amour. The following are some of his principal productions: 112 engravings after original drawings by Ru- dolph Elster (Paris and Diisseldorf, 1860) ;" "Der Oberhof," bv Imnierniann, with the illustrations by B. Vaut'ier (Berlin, 180.3) ; "Der .Jiiger," by Count Waldersee, with the original drawings by L. Beckmann (ib., 1863) : "Landscapes of the Odyssey," after Preller (Leipzig, 1871). BRENTJAN, or BREN'AINN, Saint, of Clon- fert (4S4-.577). Au Irish saint and hero. He was born at Littus li or Stagmum li, now Tralee, County Kerry, southwest Ireland; was educated under monastic influences and became a priest, but, filled with a great desire to travel, he went on a year's journey which took in the western and northern islands — e.g. The Hebrides, Shet- land, and Faroe Islands, and also Brittany. Re- turning, he built a wooden ship, and in it went with a large party to the Continent of Europe and to unknown lands, the smaller 'Fortunate Isles.' Returning from his second voyage, he founded the monastery in what is now Clonfert. in County Longford, central Ireland. Later he visited lona and the mainland of Scotland. His repittation as a traveler being thus established, he was made the subject of a legend in which angels became his guides and strange experiences befell him. He died in 577, and his day in the calendar is May 16. Upon pre-Columbus maps 'Saint Brendan's country,' i.e. the scene of his supposed geographi- cal discoveries, was just south of the island of Antillia and west of the Cape Verde Islands. Consult: B. C. Schroder, linnet Brnndnn ( Erlan- gen, 1871) ; John Lanigan, Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, Vol. IL (Dublin, 1822); Francisque Michel, Les voyages merveiltciix de Saint Bran- dan (I la recherche du paradis terresire, Ugendes en vers du XII. siMe (Paris, 1878) ; O'Dono- ghue. Brendeninna (London, 1894). BREN'DEL, Hei.xricii (1827-95). A German painter of animal life. He was born in Berlin, and studied with Kranse at the acad- emy in that city, and with Palizzi and Couture in Paris. From 1854 to 1870 he lived in Paris. In 1875 he became professor at the Weimar Art School, and in 1881 he was appointed director of that institution. He excelled in the delinea- tion of sheep; and most of the art galleries of Europe have examples of his art. Among his best works are: "Interior of Sheep Stable" (Hamburg Gallery) ; "Sheep Leaving Stable" (National Gallery, Berlin); "Peasant's Farm" (ib.). BRENDEL, Karl rK.4.NZ (1811-68). A Ger- man musical critic, born at Stolberg-am-Harz, in Prus.sia. He was educated at tlie universities of I^eipzigand Berlin, lectured on the historyof music in Freiberg and Dresden, and in 1844 became edi- tor in Leipzig of the Xcue Zeilschrift fUr Musik, establislied by Schumann in 1834. At the same time he was appointed an instructor in nnisical history and (esthetics at the Conservatoriuni. He made the Zeilschrift the organ originally of the movement led by Wagner and Liszt, and from 1801, of the All'gemeiner Deutsche Musikverein, founded in that year by himself, Liszt, and others for the purpose of reconciling hostile fac- tions. He was president of the Verein until his death, and from 1856 to 1801 published a second periodical, Anregungen fiir Kunst, Leben und Wissenschaft. His publications include Oritnd- ziige der (leschichte der Musik (1848) ; Gcschichte der Musik in Deutschland. Italien. und Frank- reich ( 1852) ; and Die Musik der Gcgcnwart und die Gescrnitkunst der Zukunft (1854). BREN'EMAN, ABRAii Adam (1847—). An American chemist and inventor, liorn in Lan- caster, Pa. He graduated in 1800 at the Penn- sylvania State College (State College P. O. ). and from 1869 to 1872 was professor of chemistry there. From 1875 to 1879 he was assistant pro- fessor of industrial chemistry at Cornell L-ni- versity, and from 1879 to 1882 professor. In 1882 he became a chemical expert, and a lec- turer and writer on chemical subjects, and in 1892 was elected vice-president of the American Chemical Society. He is known as the inventor of a process, called by his name, for making iron non-corrosive. His publications include A Manual of Introductory Laboratory Practice (1875; with G. C. Caldwell), and a Report on the Fixation of Attiiosphtric itrogen (1890). BRENHAM, bren'am. A city and county- scat of Washington Coimty, Tex.. 75 miles west- northwest of Hou.ston, on the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe, and the Houston and Texas Central railroads (Jlap: Texas, F 4). It is in an agri- cultural and cotton-raising region, and has cot- ton - ci)m])rcsses, cotton - factory, cottonseed - oil mill, foinidries, machine-shoiis, and manufactures of furniture, plows, wagons, soap. etc. Bren- ham is the seat of the Blim Memorial and Evangelical Lutheran colleges, and has a public library, two parks of note, and fairgrounds. Settled in 1844, Brenham was first incorporated in 1866, and at present is governed under a char- ter of 1894, which provides for a mayor, elected every two years, and a city comicil. The water- works are owned and operated by the municipal- ity. Population, in 1890, 5209; "in 1900, 5968. BRENKENHOF, brgn'ken-hof. FHrenRiCH Bai.tiiasar Sctionrero von (1723-.H0). . Prus- sian statesman. He was horn at Reideburg, near Halle, and became equerry of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau. During the Seven Years' War he_ greatly facilitated the rapid marches of Fred- erick the Great by secretly and expeditiously furnishing the necessary supplies, cliiedy horses, to the Prussian army. In recognition of his valuable aid, he was afterwards invited to enter the .service of Prussia, and was intrusted with the task of restoring order and prosperity to