Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/39

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Irregular Comparison.

3. Adjectives in -ĭŭs and -ŭŭs form Comp. and Superl. by prefixing măgĭs more and māxĭmē most to the Positive, as industrĭŭs industrious, Comp. măgĭs industrĭŭs, Superl. māxĭmē industrĭŭs.

§39.Irregular Comparison.

Pos. Comp. Superl.
bŏnŭs good mĕlĭŏr optĭmŭs
mălŭs bad iŏr pessĭmŭs
māgnŭs great iŏr māxĭmŭs
parvŭs small mĭnŏr mĭnĭmŭs
multŭs (S.) much, (Pl.) many plūs (§ 40) plūrĭmŭs
dīvĕs (base dīvĭt-) rich dīvĭtĭŏr or dīvĭtissĭmŭs or
dītĭŏr dītissĭmŭs
sĕnex old sĕnĭŏr [nātū māxĭmŭs]
iŭvĕnĭs young iūnĭŏr [nātū mĭnĭmŭs]
extĕrŭs outward extĕrĭŏr extrēmūs
īnfĕrŭs lower īnfĕrĭŏr īnfĭmŭs or īmŭs
sŭpĕrŭs upper sŭpĕrĭŏr sŭprēmŭs last
summŭs highest
postĕrŭs coming after postĕrĭŏr postrēmŭs

The following have no Positive—

Comp. Superl.
intĕrĭŏr inner intĭmŭs
ūltĕrĭŏr further ūltĭmŭs
prĭŏr former prĭmŭs first
prŏpĭŏr nearer proxĭmŭs
pŏtĭŏr better (of things) pŏtissĭmus best
dētĕrĭŏr worse dēterrĭmŭs worst

vĕtŭs, Gen. vĕtĕrĭs old, has Superl. vĕterrĭmŭs.