Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/40

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The New Latin Primer.

§ 40. For the declension of Comparative Adjectives see § 34.

Plūs more is thus declined:

Sing. Plur.
Neuter only. M. F. N.
N.V.A. plūs plūr-ēs plūr-ă
G. plūr-ĭs plūr-ĭum
D.A. plūr-ĭbŭs

The Sing. is used only as a Neuter Noun.

Adverbs formed from Adjectives.

§ 41. Latin Adverbs are formed from Adjectives as follows:

(1) By adding the termination -ē to the base of Adjectives of the First Class; as, tăcĭt-ŭs silent, tăcĭt-ē silently; mĭsĕr, base mĭsĕr-, wretched, mĭsĕr-ē wretchedly; pĭgĕr, base pĭgr-, slow, pĭgr-ē slowly.

But măl-ŭs bad, mal-ĕ badly; bŏn-ŭs good, bĕnĕ well.

A few Adjectives in -ŭs form their Adverbs in -ō instead of -ē: thus, tūt-ŭs safe, tūt-ō safely; fals-ŭs false, fals-ō falsely.

(2) By adding the termination -ĭtĕr or -tĕr to the base of Adjectives of the Second Class.

-ĭtĕr is used if the Adj. ends in -ĭs, -ĕr, or -x (base ending in -c).

As, fort-ĭs brave, fort-ĭtĕr bravely ; ācĕr, base ācr-, keen, ācr-ĭtĕr keenly; fĕrōx wild, base fĕrōc-, fĕrōc-ĭtĕr wildly.

But audāx bold, drops the i and makes audāc-tĕr boldly.