Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/233

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The Ghospel

ment is just, because I seeke not my wil, but the wil of him that sent me. 31If I give testimonie of myself, my testimonie is not true. 32There is another that giveth testimonie of me: and I know that the testimonie is true which he giveth of me.

33 Io. 1, 19.* You sent to John; and he gave testimonie to the truth. 34But ″ I receive not testimonie of man: but I say these things that you may be saved. 35He was the lampe burning and shining. And you would for a time rejoyce in his light. 36But I have a greater testimonie then John. For the workes which the Father hath given me to perfit them: the very workes themselves which I doe, give testimonie of me, that the Father hath sent me. 37And the Father that sent me, himself hath Mt. 3, 17. given testimonie of me: neither have you heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape, 38and his word you have not remaining in you: because whom he hath sent, him you beleeve not. 39 ″ Search the [1] scriptures, for you thinke in them to have life everlasting: and the same are they that give testimonie of me: 40and you wil not come to me that you may have life. 41Glorie of men I receive not. 42But I have knowen you, that the love of God you have not in you. 43I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if [2] another shal come in his owne name, him you wil receive. 44How can you beleeve, that receive glorie one of another: and the glorie which is of God only, you seeke not? 45Thinke not that I wil accuse you to the Father. There is that accuseth you, Moyses, in whom you trust. 46For if you did beleeve Moyses: you would perhaps beleeve me also. For of me he hath written. 47And if you doe not beleeve his writings: how wil you beleeve my wordes?


Chap. V.

2. A pond.) This is as great a wonder and worke as was in the old Law, yet never recorded in the Scripture before: the conditions and circumstances of the same much to be distinctly weighed against the miscreants of this time for many causes. 1. Vertue of miracles given to creatures.First, that God without derogation to his honour, yea to the great commendation of it, doth give vertue of miracles and cure to water or other creatures. 2. The same given specially to sanctified creatures.Secondly, that he giveth such vertues to these creatures specially which be by use and occupying in sacred functions or otherwise, as it were sanctified: for this pond was it wherein the carcasses of sheep (therfore called Probatica) and other beasts to be sacrificed, were first washed, to which being alwayes red (as S. Hierom saith)Hiero de locis Heb. post med. with the bloud of hostes, this force was given, for the commendation of the Sacrifices of the Law there offered. How much more may we acknowledge such workes of God miraculously done in or about the Sacrifice or Sacraments of the new Testament, which faithlesse men wholy reject and condemne for fables, because they know not the Scriptures nor the power of God. 3. Miracles done at one time more then another, specially in greater solemnities.Thirdly, that this operation was given at one time more then another, and rather on great festival dayes then other vulgar times (for this was the feast of Pasche or of Pentecost) as dayes more sanctified, and when the people made greater concurse: which sheweth that we should not

  1. Catholikes search the scriptures, and find there, Peters and his Successours Primacie, the Real presence, the Priests power to forgive sinnes, Justification by faith and good workes, Virginitie preferred before matrimonie, breach of the vow of continencie damnable, Volontarie povertie, Penance, almes, and good deeds meritorious, divers rewardes in heaven according to divers merites, and such like.
  2. He meaneth specially Anti-christ. How then can the Pope be he, seeing the Jewes receive him not.