Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/39

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The Ghospel

hid nor unknowen. Aug. cont. Fulg. Donat. c. 18. Li. 16. cont. Faust. c. 17. And therfore, the Church being a candle not under a bushel, but shining to al in the house (that is) in the world, what shal I say more (sayth S. Augustine) then that they are blind which shut their eyes agaynst the candle that is set on the candlesticke? Tract. 2. in ep. Io.

17. Your light.) The good life of the Clergie edifieth much, and is Gods great honor: whereas the contrarie dishonoureth him.

True inherent justice20. One of these.) Behold how necessarie it is, not only to beleeve, but to keep al the commaundements, even the very least.

21. Your Justice.) It is our justice, when it is given us of God. Aug. in Ps. 30. Conc. 1. De Sp. & lit. c. 9. So that Christians are truely just, & have in themselves inherent justice, by doing Gods commaundements, without which justice of workes no man of age can be saved. Aug. de fid. & oper. c. 16. Whereby we see salvation, justice, & justification, not to come of only faith, or imputation of Christes justice.

Venial sinnes23. Hel of fyre.] Here is a playne difference of sinnes, some mortal, that bring to Hel, some lesse, and lesse punished, called venial.

24. Gift at the altar.] Beware of coming to the holy altar or any Sacrament out of charitie. But be first reconciled to thy brother, and much more to the Catholike Church, which is the whole brotherhood of Christian men, Heb. 13.1.

33. Excepting the cause of fornication.] This exception is only to shew, that for this one cause a man may put away his wife for ever: but not that he may marrie an other as it is most plaine in S. Marke and S. Luke, who leave out this exception, saying: Mariage a Sacrament and is not dissolved by divorce.Mr 10. 11.
Lu. 16. 18
* Whosoever dismisseth his Wife and marieth an other, committeth advoutrie. See the Annot. Luc. 19. 9. But if both parties be in one and the same fault, then can neither of them not so much as devorce or put away the other.

33. Committeth advoutrie.] The knot of Mariage is a thing of so great a Sacrament, that not by separation itself of the parties it can be loosed, being not lawful neither for the one part nor the other, to marie agayne upon devorce. Aug. de bo. Conjug. c. 7.

35. Not to sweare.] The Anabaptists here not folowing the Churches judgement, but the bare letter (as other Heretikes in other cases) hold that there is no oath lawful, no not before a judge, whereas Christ speaketh against rashe and usual swearing in common talke, when there is no cause.

39. Not to Resist evil.] Here also the Anabaptists gather of the letter, that it is not lawful to go to law for our right; as Luther also upon this place held, that Christians might not resist the Turke. Whereas by this, as by that which foloweth, patience only is signified, & a wil to suffer more, rather then to revenge. For neither did Christ nor S. Paule folow the letter, by turning the other cheeke. Jo. 18. Act. 23.

Chap. VI.

In this second chapter of his Sermon, he controwleth the Pharisees justice (that is, their almes, prayer, and fasting) for the scope and intention therof, which was vaine glorie 19. Their end also was to be rich, but ours must not be so much as in necessaries.

TAKE good heed that you doe not your ″ justice before men, to be seen of them: otherwise reward you shal not have with your father which is in heaven.

2Therfore when thou [1] doest an almes-deed, sound not a trumpet before thee, as the Hypocrites doe in the Synagogues and in the streetes, that they may be honoured of men: Amen I say to you, they have received their reward. 3But when thou doest an almes-deede, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4that thy almes-deed may be in secret, and thy father

  1. The first worke of justice