Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/622

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14 - 15 ; for construction of improved printing press, 15 n . Profit and Loss, 48.

Progress, 48. Prompter, 49.

Proof-reader, errors of, 146. Propaganda , 132 ; in German press, 33; Overseas News Agency and, 132; Swedish Telegram Bureau and , 133; Canadian




cultural, 135 ; illustrations as, 398; forged newspapers as, 416-417; in advertisements, 484. Proportion, sense of, enters into personality of newspaper, 53 - 54, 73– 74; of different classes of material in papers, bibliography, 53 n ., 73 n .; sense of, distorted by reporters, 149, 151- 152, 449, 450 ; absence of, in special papers , 457.

Proprietors of the Metropolitan Daily

Newspapers and Weekly Newspapers,

forged edition of,420 ; election reforms furthered by, 471; in World War, 472. Punch, Japan , 62 n . Punch, Japanese , 62 n . Punch, Parsee , 62 n . Punch, Queensland , 62 n . Punch, Shanghai, 62 n . Punch, Sydney, 62 n ., 386 n . Punch à Paris,62 n . Punch Cymraeg , Y , 62 n . Punch, The Schoolboy's, 19 Punsch , Berlin , 62 n . Punsch , Munich ,62 n . Push , 48.

Pyne and Harrison Co., 329 n. Quarterly Review , 269 n ., 302 n ., 314 n ., 315 - 316 ; nickname of, 50 ; Scott on , 292; Keats and Hunt attacked by, 296 , 298, 316 ; Croker's essay on

Macaulay in , 296 ; Murray and, 298 n .; circulation of, 298 n .; abuse in , 299; Landor and , 300 n .; Endymion

97 .

Protestant journalism , work on , cited , Protocols ofZion , 419 n . Psyche, 48 .

reviewed in , 301 n .; Hazlitt attacked by, 308; quoted , 332; article in , cited , 332 n .; Bulwer on, 437.

Public, The, article in , cited, 443 n .

Rachel, E . F ., 325 n .

Public Advertiser, Letters of Junius in ,

Raemaekers, his cartoons edited , 380 n .; cartoons of, 389 n ., 398 n . Raglan , Lord , Panmure's letters to , 201; Russell and, 201, 224 n .; relation to Wellington , 201; articles on , cited , 201 n .; Cook on , 204 n .; on

422 .

Public Ledger , Philadelphia , correspondence between publisher and editor of,

251 ; editorial advertised in , 360 n .; reproduced, 421 n .

Public Record Office, establishment of, 12 .

Publisher, newspaper as, 12 . Publishers' Weekly, on resourcefulness

of journalists, 97 n .; advertising statistics in , 372 n . Puck, 378, 382; Judge the rival of, 267; Keppler's cartoons from , cited , 382 n .; cartoons of Bismarck in , 408. Pulitzer, Joseph , founder of The World , 46 ; article by, cited , 460 n . Pulitzer School of Journalism , prizes to

war correspondence , 223 n .

Raikes, Robert, fined, 161. Railway Investors ' League, 344, 347 n . Ralph , Julian , work by, cited , 25 n .; on the special correspondent, 182– 183. Ralph , Lester, illustrator, 402 n . Rambler , Lord Acton on , 19. Rascovar, F . J., article by, cited , 120 n . Raymond, Henry J ., 251; Maverick 's work on , cited, 458 n . “ Ready-print” service , 133, 134 - 135. Record , 48.


Record , Port Chester, N . Y ., address of

lection of amateur journals at, 23 n .; clippings filed in , 120 n .; founding and endowment of, 460 n .; bibliog raphy on , 460 n .

editor of, 81 n . Record -Herald , Chicago, sermons printed in , 91 n . Red ' Cross, Joint War Committee of

imitations of, 62 n ., 386 n . ;Gladstone represented in , 379 n .; political caricatures in , 386; weekly cartoon of, 387; bibliography of, 388 n .; Leech 's cartoons in , 389 n ., 391 n ., 404 n .; careless cartoon in , 390 n .; Khartoum cartoons in , 392– 393; in American Civil War, 397 n ., 472 ; Bright misrepresented in , 401; war symbols in , 401 n .; Kaiser and , 409 n .;

American , 339 n . Redfield , Secretary , letter of, quoted ,

newspapers awarded


15 ;


Reed , A . Y ., work by, cited , 99 n . Reed , J. & Young , A ., on I. W . W . trial, 430- 431. Reeve, Henry, Delaneand , 280. Reflector , 48. Reform Bill, 7 , 64; press as independent political power dates from , 34 .