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�INDEX “ Regina,” 50. Register, 48.

Regulation of press, in early England, 22 ; federal law , 76 ; state laws, 76 ;

Wyke's plan for, 453 ; in Hanover, 453; effect of, in reconstructing past, 491. See also Censorship ; Freedom of the press; Libel.

Reid, 'S . J., work by, cited , 168 n ., 169 n ., 255 n ., 264 n . Reid , Sir T . Wemyss, on " wegotism " of press , 73 ; on parliamentary reporting, 168; on social status of official re porters, 169 ; Life of Milnes, cited , 244 n ., 433 n . ; Forster accused by, 246 ; on the press, 255 , 439 ; Life of Black , cited , 311 n .

Reid , Whitelaw , Cortissoz 's Life of, cited , 203 n .; Cortissoz on , 362 n .; Pondon Times . 260- 270 ; training

of journalists urged by, 458.

Reinach, J., article by, cited , 64 n .; anonymity favored by , 69; on French journalists and politicians, 87- 88 .

154, 155; Evening Poston , 157.

official, Chap. VII ; development of,

158; excluded from parliament, 158 166 , 174 ; Wilkes and , 166 - 167 ; their present status in parliament, 167, 168 , 175 ; difficulties of, 167, 170 ;

provincial, 167– 168; social status of, reports, 172 – 173, 172 n .; relations with editor, 173 n . ; in Congress , 174 ; in smaller legislative bodies, 174, 174 n . ; parliamentary investigation regarding , 175 - 176 ; Whittaker on ,

176 ; in Hungary, 177; in courts , 178 – 179; not alone responsible for many errors, 178 – 179. Republic , 47.

Republic, Baraboo, Wis., ready-print furnished to , 134 n . Republican , 47, 49.

Republican, Boston , Mass., 264 –265. Republican , Springfield , Mass ., 270 . Republican National Committee, pro test against cartoon , 406 n .

Reisner, C. F., work by, cited, 92 n .,

Republican National Publicity Com

“ Relations." See Corantos.

Reuter, Baron, the second, death of,

mittee, 350 n .

Relf, Frances Helen , joint author. See Notestein , Wallace. Religious press , 19- 21; groups sects , 18 ; limitations in , 19, 456 - 457; in America, 20 ; " easiest way to kill,” 20 n .; article on , cited , 20 n .; con trasted with political press, 21 ; historian and , 91; names of repre sentative organs of, 01 n .; works

118 n .

Reuter, Paul Julius, agency organized by , 118 .

Reuter's, origin of, 118 ; bibliography of, 118 n ., 128 n ., 130 n . ; American papers allied with , 119 ; Associated

Press graduated from , 120 ; London

Nation on , 128-129; a proprietary organization , 129.

on , cited , 91 n ., 94 n . See also Catholic press ; Church ;Maurice, Frederick Denison . Remus, Uncle , songs and fables of, 106. Renaudot, Théophraste , founder of the

Reuter's Telegram Agency, English , severed connections with Swedish Telegram Bureau, 133. Réveille , (Rifle , Cal.), 48. Review , book . See Book review .

Gazetle de France, 9 - 10 , 14 ; his creed , 10 ; bibliography of, 10 n ., 14 n .; " simple inventions ” of, 14 . Reporter, 48 ; nickname of, 50.

Reynolds, Mr., 322 .

Reporters, taken into confidence by government, 86 , 86 n .; development Correspondents ,, 181; into special correspondents 181; licensed , 453 -454 ; entrance examina tions for, 454; training of, 454- 455. general, Chap . VI; becoming more responsible, 139 ; sources of informa tion for, 139- 140 ; Dickens on , 140141; Cook on , 141; Addison on , analysis of 142: analysis 141- 142; Godkin on , 142;

Rhodes , Cecil, 189. Rhodes, James Ford , article by, cited , xl n .; on northern and southern press, 471. Rice, Spring, 281. Richard , L . S ., 359 n . Richards, J. M ., work by, cited , 354 n . Rideing, W . H ., Forbes' letter to,

quoted , 215 n .; work by, cited , 244 n .; on Congdon 's editorials, 273.

Ridgway Branch , Philadelphia , Dr. Rush on , 427 n .

errors of, 142– 153 , 155- 157; Shaw on ,

Rieben , C ., articles by, cited , 25 n .,

145; Hapgood on , 152 n .; Fitzpatrick on , 153; “ H . P . S . ” on , 153 ; O ' Brien on , 153; Garrett on , 153 - 154 ; specialization of, 154, 454 -455 ; changing

214 n . Rising Star, 47. Ritchie, Thomas, Ambler on, 86 - 87. Roberts , Lord , 225, 237; requests

social status of, 154 ; Croal on , 154 ;

Chesterton on , 154 ; The Nation on ,

founding of army paper, 25 .

Robertson , J. M ., on London Times,