Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/630

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in , 48.

Tomahawkl or Censor General, The, 48 440 .

Turner, A. G ., article by, cited , 353 n. Turner, G . K ., on country press, 89 n .

Torch , 48. Tornado , 47. Tourist and Homemaker , 48. Town crier, 10 ; in Bohemia , 8 .

Tyler, M . C ., work by, cited , 181 n .

Town Crier , 48.

Typography, Chesterton on, 52 n .

Townsend, E . W ., article by, cited , 152 n .; on interview , 235 n . Townsend , G . A ., war correspondent,

Ukrainia, relief of, 338 ; advertisements

Turner, J. B ., editor, 271 0 . Twain , Mark ,61, 301 n . Twiner (Woodbine, Iowa), 48.

of, 351 n .

221 n .

Towse, J. Rankin , on William Winter, 326 .

Trade journals, 18 , 18 n .; names of, 48; limitations in ,456 - 457. Traill, H . D ., favors anonymity , 317. Transvaal War, Prior's expenses during, 216 n .

Trench , F . C ., article by, cited, 268 n .

Trent, W . P ., works by, cited, 249 Dog 289 n .; article by, cited , 484 n .

Trevelyan, G . M .,work by, cited ,2778., 401 n .

Trevelyan , G . O ., on Fox, 174 . Tribune, Chicago, Medill's tariff editor ials in , 21; origin of humorous column

in , 61 n .; erroneous photograph in , 394 n .

Tribune, N . Y ., 251; on functions of newspaper, 12; on newspapers under taking learned expeditions, 13 ; fashion page discontinued by, 18 n .; sense of proportion of, 53 n .; cor

rection of inaccuracies in , 60 ; on un solicited communications, 82; guaran

Ulster County Gazette, 420 , 421 n . “ Uncle Sam , ” symbol, 401.

Underhill, John, ed., work by, cited , 59 n., 274 n .; on lack of dramatic




century ,

century 318 ; cited , 332 n . Unemployment, question of, minimized by American press , 98 . Union , 47.

Union Bag and Paper Co., 358 n . United Press, 45, 80; achievements of, 121.

United States, news- letter in , 6 n .; broadside in , 7 ; news in South, 8 ; schools of journalism in , 15, 109 n ., 457- 458, 460 n .; religious press in , 20 ; " news" as controlling interest of press in , 33 ; slander in ' papers of, 55- 56 ; Arnold on newspapers of, 55 - 56 , 426 n .; Dicey on press in , 56 ; letters to editor a regular feature of press in , 58 ; signature in , 70 – 71, 72, 78 – 79 ; oldest daily in , 80 n .; politics and press in , 87; church and press in ,

tee of advertisements, quoted , 82 n .;

94 - 95 ; question of unemployment

on stimulating circulation, 98 n.; on “ creeling , ” 110 n .; news com panies refuse to deliver, 136 ; account of Sulzer's address in , 156; description of press quarters in Galicia in , 206 n .;

minimized by press in , 98 ; plate and ready-print service in , 134 ; travelers

editorials in , republished , 273; on state advertising , 343 n .; on making politics appealing in press , 359 n .; Reid as editor of, 362 n .; editorial republished in , 367 n .; on caricatures, 385; editorial in , cited , 389 n .; illustrations in , 391 n ., 393 n . ; Blackburn on , 392 n .; Rhodes on , 471.

Tribune Association , pamphlets pub lished by , 365 n . Triple Alliance, work on, cited, 409 n .

Trollope, Anthony, on


literature, 71; on French periodical press, 72; article by, cited , 317 n. Trumpet, 48. Truth , 48

“ Truth tours, ” 191, 220 n .



in ,

156 ; official


porting used in , 175 ; facilities granted

press correspondents by government of, 191 ; editors and editorials in , 250 - 251, 282; Hudson 's history of journalism in , cited , 250 n .; Beste on newspapers of, 252 ; literary criticism

in , 296 – 297, 298 n .; dramatic criticism in , 326 ; cartoons in , 382, 387 n .; symbol of, 400 - 401; Lee 's History of Journalism in , cited , 419 n .; authorita tiveness of early press in , 446 . United States Employment Service, 87. United War Workers , 338 . Universalist, The, 91 n .

Unpopular Review , The, experiment of, 70 .

Untermeyer, Louis, article by , cited , 291 n .

Uriu , Baroness, 149.

Uzzell, T . H ., article by, cited , 326 n .

Turkey, newspapers and government

of, 89; Emin 's work on press of, cited , 89 n .

Vanderbilt , Commodore, cartoon of, 387 n .