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�INDEX Vanguard , 48 .

Van Vliet,Morris,article by, cited , 52 n. Vassar College, 145; clippings filed in library of, 120 n . ; Times reprints

in , 421 n.; Junius bibliography in

Walkley, A . B ., excluded from Garrick Theatre, 324 n .; work by , cited , 327 n . Wall Street, press and , 441.

Walpole, Sir Robert, Craftsman opposed to , 33; pamphlets inspired by, 263.

library of, 422 n . Vassar Miscellany News, 244 n .

Walsh , W . S., ed ., work by, cited ,

Vatican, letters to The Times on De

Walston , Sir Charles, on letters to The

crees of, 57 n .; press of, 130 n .; sketch of Council of, 391 n .

397 n .

Times, 57. Walter, John , 265 n .

dispute with

Walter, John , Jr., letter to Croker, 136 ; Delane and, 265 n . ..

Vergil, quoted , 425. Vermont, bill protecting newspapers introduced in legislature of, 155 - 156. Verne, Jules , quoted, 468.

Wanamaker, John, political advertise

Venezuela , boundary England, 427 n .

Verulam , 21 n .

Victoria , Queen , account of her coro nation, 65 n .; article on foreign

policy of, cited , 188 n .; Times criti cized by , 330 ; illustrations of her coronation, 380 n .; not at coal ex change opening, 391 n . Villard, Henry, Memoirs, cited , 26 n. : on Sherman and war correspondents, 202; on war correspondents , 204 n . Villard, O . G ., articles by, cited , 22 D ., 208 n .; on advertisements, 362 n . Villiers, Frederic, death of, 213 n .; works by, cited , 213 n ., 398 n . Vindicator, 48. Virgil. See Vergil.

Virginia , French newspapers in State

ment supported by, 349 n . “ Want ad ," 480 - 481, 484. Warbler, 48. War correspondence, special


spondence given rise to, 181; Godkin on , 196 n ., 270 n .; “ letters from the trenches" not classed as, 190 - 191, 220 n .; Cook on , 197 n .; Dibblee on ,

197 n .; of the Daily News, 1870, cited , 204 n .; Escott on , 204 n .; causes drain on press, 207– 208 ; censor and , 212,

217 n .; Forbes on censorship and, 213 n ., 214 n .; Forbes on despatching ,

215 n .; articles on , cited, 215 n .; Strunsky on , 216 n .; Robinson on truth in , 216 n .; new form of, 220 - 221, 229 - 231; enemy as profiting by, 221

222; historian and , 221 – 223, 229 - 230 ; Lord Raglan on , 223 n .; efforts to

Library of, 49 n . Vives, Louis , 413 n . Vivian Grey, 50. Vizetelly , Edward, experience with censor, 211 n .; on censorship , 222 n . Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred , work by, cited , 67 n ., 71 n ., 267 n . Vizetelly , Henry, on ribald press in London, 55; on Macaulay 's parlia mentary speeches , 170- 171; work by, cited , 178 n ., 314, n .; hoax perpe

improve, 226 – 227; impersonality of, 276. See also Names of wars ; Special correspondence ; War correspondent. War Correspondent, Chap . LX ; early, 115 n ., 195- 196 , 196 n ., 228 ; difficul ties of, 197– 198 ; Churchill on , 197 n ., 216 n .; military officials oppose, 198 ; Wellington and, 198– 200 ; Wolseley on , 202, 204 n .; Sherman and, 202; Sherman on , 203; Cortissoz on, 203; government opposition to, 204 - 206 ; army opposition to , 206 – 207 ; France

trated by, 313 n .; cited , 352; Dowling

hostile to , in 1870 , 204 n . ; Cook on ,

and , 380 n .; on Illustrated London News, 392 n .; on Bayley, 392 n . Voice, 48. Voltaire, on periodical reviews of France and Holland , 292 n .

204 n . ; Villard on, 204 n .; Daily Telegraph on prohibition of, 205 n .;

Volunteer , 48 .

Vorwärts, 132.

Vossische Zeitung, nickname of, 50. Vossius, Isaac , 413 n .

Wade, John, ed ., on letters of Junius, 180- 181. Wagner, H ., on censorship , 204 n .; his qualifications as war correspondent, 216 n .

Wales , Prince of, Russell a member of party of, 225; in Russia , 380 n .

outfit of, 206 , 206 n .; McCullagh on , 206 , 210 n ., 218 n . ; Bennett on censors and, 208 n . ; strictures on ,

208– 211; censorship and , article cited , 209 n .; Arnold on , 210; Brooks on , 211;defenseof,211– 219; Foxon, 212n .; in Egypt, 213 n .; anonymity and , 215 n .; Robinson on, 215 n .; Shirley on , 219– 220 ; Irwin on , 220 n .; social status of, 224 - 226 ; development of,

228 ; Forbes on ideal, 231- 232; letters of, republished , 276 . See also Names of wars ; Special correspondent; War correspondence.
