Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/632

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d , Artemus, 61.

Ward, Mrs. Humphrey and Montague, C . E ., work by, cited , 105 n ., 210 n ., 331 n .

Ward , Leslie, on caricatures, 385 n . Ward , S . H ., work by, cited , 91 n .

Welschinger, H ., work by, cited , 49 n . Welser, Mark , and Ada Diurna, 413 n . Wesley, John, 274 n . Wesley , Samuel, 274 n . Western Newspaper Union , suit of,

Ware, E . E ., work by, cited , 7 n .

134 n .; ready-print matter supplied

Warner, C . D ., 50 , 85.

by , 135 .

“ Warrington.” See Robinson, William S . Warsaw , fall of, denied , 423. Washington and Lee University , Bulle

tin of, cited , 458 n .

Western Star, 47.

Western Union Telegraph Co., agree ments made by press with , 120 .

Westminster Gazette, Gould's cartoons

Washington College, journalistic schol arships at, 457 -458 . Washington ,George, 342; contemporary account of, 330 n .; account of funeral of, 420 ; farewell address of, attributed to Hamilton , 423 n . Wasp , 47.

Westminster Review , Bulwer on , 437. West Virginia , suppression of news regarding coal strike in , 123 n . Wheatley, H . B ., newspaper blunders cited by, 146 n .; work by, cited ,

Watchman , 48.

Wheeler , H . D ., article by, cited , 185 n .

Waterloo, battle of, when recorded in press, 28 n .

Watkins , John Elfreth , 394 n . Watterson , Henry , on business manager, 264. See also " Marse Henry."

Watts, A . A ., Life of Alaric Watts, cited , 27 n ., 97 n., 117 n., 314 n.; on the editor, 254 – 255. Watts , Alaric, work on, cited , 27 n.; urged protection of workmen from

machines, 97; correspondence with Blackwood , 116 ; Dr. Maginn on , 117; letter to , 251.

in , 404 n .

313 n .

Whibley, C ., article by, cited , 31 n . Whig, Quincy, 271 n . Whigs, Brougham opposed to , 283. Whitaker , C . H ., article by, cited , 351 n . White, Bouck, 62 n . White , Holt, story of Sedan by , 217 n . White, Horace, on independent journal ism , 57; article by, cited , 460 n . White, Horatio S.,huedmo., workcoby, cited , rous lumi. 286 n ., 457 1 . White , H . T . E ., humorous column by, 61 n .

White, I. D ., report by, cited , 452 n .

Watts, Thomas , forgery exposed by,

White , R . G ., on newspaper English ,

414. Wave, 47 .

White, William

104 .

Weather chart, 11, 77, 78, 384 n .; begun by Daily News, 11 n . ; in The Times, 384 n .

Allen , on country

newspaper, 486 .

White, W . H ., parliamentary reporting, description by, 168 .

Webster, Benjamin , Catling on , 321 n . Webster, Daniel, and Harrison 's in augural, 423 n. “ Wee Cannon, The,” 50 . “ Weekly Judgment Day, The," 50. Weekly Messenger , Boston , Lothrop on , 262 n .

Weekly Pennsylvania Gazette, 80 n . Weeks , L. H . & Bacon , E . M ., work by,

Whitechapel Art Gallery , exhibition of war cartoons in , 398 n . Whitehurst, Felix , book of, reviewed twice in Times, 301 n .

Whiteing, R ., work by, cited, 234 n .; on interviewing, 246 . Whitlock , Brand, on use of affiches in Brussels, 7 n .; on Medill's tariff editorials , 21; on Baron von Bissing, 240 .

cited , 49 n .


Whitman , Governor, interview by, 240 ; politicaladvertisementsagainst 349n ., 362 n .; food bill advocated by, 349.

Welfare work . See Social welfare . Wellesley, Sir Henry, Wellington's

Whitman, Sidney , work by , cited ,

“ Wegotism ” of press, 73. Weitenkampf, Frank , on illustrations, 393 n ., 394 n .

letter to , quoted , 198 n .

182 n ., 395 n . Whitman , Walt, on American press ,

Wellington , Duke of, war correspond ents and , 198 – 200 , 221 n .; Napier

56 ; as a journalist, 265; on "book

on , 198– 199 , Stocqueler on , 198 n .;

Whitney, Caspar, article by, cited ,

on press in war, 199; letter to Croker , quoted, 200 ; letter endorsed by,

417 n . Whittaker , Samuel, on parliamentary

200 n .; Lord Raglan 's relation to

201; Dowling and, 380 n .; in carica ture , 401; and English press, 426.

reviews, 307 n .

reporting , 176 .

Whittingham , Charles , paper started by , 440.