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The Origin of Christian Science.

sublime understanding. It is divine metaphysics. When you free yourself from the illusions and delusions of the flesh, or learn the little trick that all is mind, then you also by the aid of Christ the way-shower, and of me the discoverer of Christian Science or the Holy Ghost, may take a seat along with us two, the male originator and the female finisher of real Christianity. Oh, you poor Christian, in bondage all your life-time to fear, do not be bothered about sin or blasphemy, all which is unreal. When Jesus used these words he was simply accommodating himself to the limited mentality of the unscientific countrymen of an obscure people of a materialistic age. What you need is to think, to think powerfully, that is metaphysically. And when you learn this art, before you even observe the process and as quick as thought you will find yourself on the same lofty summit of divine vision with us where all is mind. No, it is not blasphemy. It is ecstacy. It is mind realizing its emancipation, sitting serenely upon its throne and, regnant with power, smiting the darkness with the scepter of light.

Again I exhort you, excited Christian, not to be controlled by passion but to think, to think calmly and imperially until all things are understood and you have peace in the consciousness of universal harmony. Yes, be at peace, troubled Christian and do not fear blasphemy. Do not fear anything, neither the devil for he does not exist; nor God, for he cannot become angry; nor hell, for it is subjective only, and you cast it out