Page:The Origin of Christian Science.djvu/165

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when you cast fear out. Just think and understand and be divine. Take my narcotic and go to sleep and sleep a sleep that is sweet and deep and ‘from which none ever wakes to weep.’

But I almost forgot, pliable Christian, that there is one thing that you must fear. You must fear me. And if you happen to be a member of the Mother Church and I want you for a housemaid you must, at the order of the directors of said church, cease whatever you may be occupied with, even though it be the ascent to the summit of spirituality, and do menial work for me. Yes, for my sake you must descend again to the sphere of materiality; and refusal to obey my call dooms you to the loss of spirituality forever. Yes, you presumptuous Christian, I will tell you whom you must fear. You must fear me, who am able to destroy your soul in materiality forever.”

So bent is Mrs. Eddy on creating reverence for herself that to accomplish this result she violates the laws of her psychology. However, her claim to be equal with or even superior to Christ is quite logical and in perfect accord with her anthropological principles. It is very convenient to possess that Emersonian greatness that exempts one from paying toll to consistency! Simon says thumbs down—thumbs up, wiggle-waggle! Selah!