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Bluff is a good fellow in spite of his batcher instincts, and I guess he'd go out of his way to help me," he said.

Frank looked at him, and opened his mouth to speak, but on second thought changed his mind.

Jerry seemed to know more about the woods than either of his chums. He had little trouble in guiding them across the territory that separated the rival camps, which was not more than a mile or so.

"I can see the glow of a fire ahead," announced Will, presently.

"That's the place we're aiming for; the lake lies beyond. I've fished from the point many a time," pursued Jerry.

"And when are we going to try for fish; I brought my rod and lines along, thinking we'd have a fish dinner some fine day?" complained Will.

"Wait, there's plenty of time. The season is nearly over, but if a warm day comes along we ought to be able to get some bass, I think," remarked Frank, who was something of an authority in that line.

"I can see figures moving about like black ghosts," announced Jerry. "Say, fellows, this is getting real exciting, creeping up on a rival camp