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with the intention of holding up the whole kit at the muzzle of our guns."

"Oh! I hope it won't come to such a desperate point as that. I'd rather not have any trouble with that Lasher if it can be avoided," ventured Frank.

"But if they've got our chum tied to a tree a prisoner?" demanded Jerry.

"In that case we'll make sure that he's set free, no matter what the consequences," was the immediate response from the leader.

As they drew nearer to the fire they could begin to make out the identity of those who were moving about.

Andy Lasher could be easily seen, as he always took it upon himself to be the high pin of any gathering of the clans in which he moved; then there was the fellow who had been caught stealing from the traps of Jesse Wilcox that morning, still limping painfully whenever he walked.

Besides these two there were five other boys present.

"A tough-looking bunch," muttered Jerry, as he trailed along after Frank.

"I don't see anything of Bluff, though," whispered the other, over his shoulder.

"Perhaps they've got him inside the cabin. If