Page:The Overland Monthly, Jan-June 1894.djvu/168

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The Overland Monthly

No. 134


Poems of the Northwest 113

Illustrated by Watts, K. C. Bashford, and from Photos.

Lines on the Evergreen State. Ernest M. Shipley.

The Columbia River. John R. Rathom.

Mount Hood. Carrie Blake Morgan.

At the Falls. Frank C. Teck.

Mount Baker. Ella Higginson.

Copalis. Herbert Bashford.

Autumn on the Columbia. S. A. Clarke.

Port Townsend. Leonard S. Clark.

To Beatrice. Bertha Monroe Rickoff 127

A Case of Heredity. Ella Beecher Gittings 128

Night Wind. Aurilla Furber 137

Northern Seaside Resorts. Frances Fuller Victor 138

Illustrated from Photographs.

After the Fire, iii-viii. Concluded. Quien. 150

Is It Practicable to Regulate Immigration? John Chetwood, Jr 166

Lincoln's Federal Townsite. Herbert Heywood 171

Illustrated from Photo.

Famous Painting Owned on the West Coast. XIV. E. L Weeks's "Street in Cairo" (illegible text)

A Story of the Oregon Trail. J. B. Reinhart (illegible text)

The Disappearance of Judge Watson. W. Arthur Jones (illegible text)

Early Days on Elliot Bay. Rose Simmons (illegible text)

The Rhododendron Bells (illegible text)

Illustrated by Albertine R. Wheelan.

Up the Columbia in 1857. Fred M. Stocking (illegible text)

Illustrated from Photos, and Painting by Cleveland Rockwell.

Minnie-Wah-Wah. W. Arthur Jones (illegible text)

An Episode in the Life of Robert the Simple. H. Elton Smith (illegible text)

Those Who Heard. Sarah Comstock (illegible text)

A Forest Songster of Western Washington. R. H. Lawrence (illegible text)

An Encounter With Chinese Smugglers. J. C. Nattrass (illegible text)

Recent Fiction (illegible text)

Etc (illegible text)

Book Reviews (illegible text)

The Overland Monthly Publishing Company

San Francisco: Pacific Mutual Life Building

The Pacific Coast: Sail Francisco News Co.
New York and Chicago: The American News Co.

[Entered at San Francisco Post-office as Second-class Matter.]


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