Page:The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 (1890).djvu/149

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and for that great loue whiche he bare her, thought her the fay- rest creature of the worlde. Being in this louing concept, hee extolled the prayfe of his wife, to one of his guarde called Gyges, the sonne of Dafcylus (whom he loued aboue all the reste of his houfholde, and vsed his counfayle, in all his weightie causes) within a whyle after he fayde vnto Gyges these woordes. " It femeth vnto mee Gyges, that thou doest not greatlye beleue the woordes whiche I fpeake vnto thee, of the beautie of my wyfe, but because eyes bee better witnesses of thinges then eares, thou fhalt fee her naked." With these woordes Gyges being amazed cryed out, saying : " What woordes be these (fir king) me thynke you are not well aduifed, to require mee to viewe and beholde the Lady my maiftres in that sorte? for a woman feene naked, doth with her clothes, put of also her chastitie. In olde tyme honest thinges were deuifed for mannes inftru&ion, emonges which was vsed this one thyng. That euery man ought to beholde, the thinges that were his owne. But fir, I do beleue afluredly that me is the fairest woman in the world, whersore desire me not to thynges that bee vnlawefull." In this sorte Gyges replied, and yet feared left some daunger might happen vnto hym. Whome Candaules encouraged, saying : " Bee of good chere, and be not afrayde, that either I or my wyfe, goe about to deceiue thee, or that thou malt incurre anye daunger. for I wyll take vpon me so to vse the matter, as me by no meanes mail knowe that thou haste feene her. I wyll place thee behynde the portall of our chamber. When I goe to bedde, my wyfe commonly doth sollowe. And me being in the Chamber, a chayre is fette readye, vppon whiche fhee layeth her clothes, as me putteth them of. Whiche done mee fheweth her selfe a good tyme naked : and when me ryfeth from her chayre to goe to bedde, her backe beyng towarde thee, thou mayeft eafilye conueyghe thy selfe out again, but in any wyfe take heede, me doe not fee thee, as thou goeft out. Where- unto I praye thee, to haue a fpeciall regarded Gyges feyng that by no meanes, hee could auoyde the vayne requefte of the king, was readie at the tyme appoynted. Candaules about the howre of bedde tyme, went into the Chamber, and conueighed Gyges into the fame, and after the kyng the queene solloweth, whome