Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/133

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landlords, murderous attacks by toll-gatherers, perils of bad roads, encounters with robbers,—he at length arrived at Long-Trellis[1], just at the time when they were holding a most splendid tournament, the hand of the king's daughter being promised to the victor. Here Canneloro presented himself, and bore him so bravely that he overthrew all the knights who were come from divers parts to gain a name for themselves. Whereupon Fenicia, the king's daughter, was given to him to wife, and a great feast was made.

When Canneloro had been there some months in peace and quiet, an unhappy fancy came into his head for going to the chase. Then he told it to the king, who said to him, "Take care of your legs, my son-in-law; do not be blinded by the evil one; be wise and open your eyes, sir! for in these woods there is the devil's own ogre, who changes his form every day, one time appearing like a wolf, at another like a lion, now like a stag, now like an ass, now like one thing and now like another; and by a thousand stratagems he decoys those who are so unfortunate as to meet him, into a cave, where he devours them. So, my son, do not put your safety in peril, or you will leave your rags there."

Canneloro, who did not know what fear was, paid no

  1. Basile forgot that this was the name of Canneloro's birthplace, from whence he set out.