Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/162

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Violet!" and she replied, "Good day, king's son! I know more than you." At these words her sisters grumbled and murmured, saying, "You are an ill-bred creature, and will make the prince in a fine rage!" But as Violet paid no heed to what they said, they made a spiteful complaint of her to their father, telling him that she was too bold and forward, and that she answered the prince without any respect, as if she were just as good as he, and that some day or other she would get into trouble, and suffer the just punishment of her offence. So Cola Aniello, who was a prudent man, in order to prevent any mischief, sent Violet to stay with an aunt named Cuccepannella, to be set to work.

Now the prince, when he passed by the house as usual, no longer seeing the object of his love, was for some days like a nightingale that does not find her young ones in the nest, and goes from leaf to leaf wailing and lamenting her loss; but he put his ear so often to the chink, that at last he discovered where Violet lived. Then he went to the aunt, and said to her, "Madam, you know who I am, and what power I have; so, between ourselves, do me a favour, and then ask me for whatever you wish." "If I can do anything to serve you," replied the old woman, "I am entirely at your command." "I ask nothing of you," said the prince, "but to let me give Violet a kiss." "If that's all,"