Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/361

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"She's a doctor in woman’s clothes!" answered the Prince; for there is no place where people's reputation is more picked at than in our courts."

"Well," said Cola Jacovo, "I cannot believe that Signora Zoza will refuse my invitation like the rest; she will give me the pleasure of playing with her a game of 'Beg of my neighbour'[1]."—"Eh indeed!" replied Zoza; "that's a game for children."

"A forfeit, a forfeit!" exclaimed Taddeo; "for this is a game which all folks play at, down to old people; and therefore, Signora Lucia, it remains for you to name the punishment."

Then Zoza rising from her seat went and knelt before the Princess, who commanded her by way of penance to sing a Neapolitan Villanella. Whereupon Zoza, calling for the tambourine, whilst the Prince's coachman played on the citern, sang a Canzona, which was listened to with the greatest pleasure, and was finished just as the tables were laid out, on which was spread plenty to eat and drink. When all had eaten their fill and the cloth was removed, the command was given to Cecca to open the conclusion of the Stories, and she began as follows.

  1. I have substituted this game, and abridged the whole of this introduction to the Fifth Day.